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Writer's pictureLydia Lee

Do A-level subject choices matter?

In one of UCAS latest reports ‘Where next?’ which highlights the impact of subject choice at school on students’ future pathways, it says that one in five students couldn’t study a degree subject that interested them because they didn’t have the right sets of subjects at school.

The report also describes the importance of early involvement in career planning. Advantaged students are 1.4 times more likely to think about higher education as early as in primary school than disadvantaged student. These students are also less likely to see a pathway closed to them because of unsuitable choice of subjects.

At Oxbridge Gateway, we believe in the importance in recognising and developing one’s interests and abilities early in order for them to plan well for their higher education and career paths. Our consultants are highly experienced in mentoring students not just for Oxbridge applications, but also in training up younger students who are passionate about succeeding in their subjects of interest.


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